Noframes HTML

HTML <noframes> Tag

The HTML <noframes> tag is not supported by HTML5. An alternative text can be added to be displayed in case the browser does not support the <frame> content, using the HTML <noframes> tag. It is placed within the HTML <frameset> tag along with the <frame> tag but is now deprecated.




<!DOCTYPE html>  
  <frameset cols="25%,50%,25%">  
    <frame src="frame1.html" >  
    <frame src="frame2.html">   
    <frame src="frame3.html">
<noframes>Sorry!! No frames available or your browser does not support frames!!</noframes>  


In the above example, we are using the HTML <frame> tag to create 3 vertical HTML frames within an HTML web page. We also used the HTML <noframes> tag to display an alternative text in case the browser does not support the <frame> content.

Tag Specific Attributes:

There is no specific attribute for the HTML <noframes> tag.

Global attributes:

The HTML global attributes are supported by the HTML <noframes> tag.

Event attributes:

The HTML event attributes are supported by the HTML <noframes> tag.

Supporting Browsers:

Chrome, IE, Firefox, Opera, and Safari.