JavaScript Date Tutorial

JavaScript facilitates an object especially to get a day, a month, or a year as an output. This object is also called a JavaScript Date object.

JavaScript date object constructors

Date(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, milliSeconds)


var date=new Date();
var day=date.getDate();
var month=date.getMonth()+1;
var year=date.getFullYear();
document.write("<br>Today Date: "+date);
document.write("<br>Day: "+day);
document.write("<br>Month: "+month);
document.write("<br>Year: "+year);

JavaScript Date Methods:

getDate() method:
Use: To get the integer value between 1 and 31 that represents the day for the particular date on the basis of local time.

getDay() method:
Use: To get the integer value between 0 and 6 that represents the day of the week on the basis of local time.

getFullYear() method:
Use: To get the integer value that represents the year on the basis of local time.

getHours() method:
Use: To get the integer value between 0 and 23 that represents the hours on the basis of local time.

getMilliseconds() method:
Use: To get the integer value between 0 and 999 that represents the milliseconds on the basis of local time.

getMinutes() method:
Use: To get the integer value between 0 and 59 that represents the minutes on the basis of local time.

getMonth() method:
Use: To get the integer value between 0 and 11 that represents the month on the basis of local time.

getSeconds() method:
Use: To get the integer value between 0 and 60 that represents the seconds on the basis of local time.

getUTCDate() method:
Use: To get the integer value between 1 and 31 that represents the day for the particular date on the basis of universal time.

getUTCDay() method:
Use: To get the integer value between 0 and 6 that represents the day of the week on the basis of universal time.

getUTCFullYear() method:
Use: To get the integer value that represents the year on the basis of universal time.

getUTCHours() method:
Use: To get the integer value between 0 and 23 that represents the hours on the basis of universal time.

getUTCMinutes() method:
Use: To get the integer value between 0 and 59 that represents the minutes on the basis of universal time.

getUTCMonth() method:
Use: To get the integer value between 0 and 11 that represents the month on the basis of universal time.

getUTCSeconds() method:
Use: To get the integer value between 0 and 60 that represents the seconds on the basis of universal time.

setDate() method:
Use: To set the day value for the particular date on the basis of local time.

setFullYear() method:
Use: To set the year value for the particular date on the basis of local time.

setHours() method:
Use: To set the hour value for the particular date on the basis of local time.

setMilliseconds() method:
Use: To set the millisecond value for a particular date on the basis of local time.

setMinutes() method:
Use: To set the minute value for the particular date on the basis of local time.

setMonth() method:
Use: To set the month value for the particular date on the basis of local time.

setSeconds() method:
Use: To set the second value for the particular date on the basis of local time.

setUTCDate() method:
Use: To set the day value for a particular date on the basis of universal time.

setUTCFullYear() method:
Use: To set the year value for the particular date on the basis of universal time.

setUTCHours() method:
Use: To set the hour value for a particular date on the basis of universal time.

setUTCMilliseconds() method:
Use: To set the millisecond value for a particular date on the basis of universal time.

setUTCMinutes() method:
Use: To set the minute value for a particular date on the basis of universal time.

setUTCMonth() method:
Use: To set the month value for the particular date on the basis of universal time.

setUTCSeconds() method:
Use: To set the second value for the particular date on the basis of universal time.

toDateString() method:
Use: To get the date portion of a Date object.

toISOString() method:
Use: To get the date in the form ISO format string.

toJSON() method:
Use: To get a string representing the Date object and serializing the Date object at the time of JSON serialization.

toString() method:
Use: To get the date in the form of a string.

toTimeString() method:
Use: To get the time portion of a Date object.

toUTCString() method:
Use: To get the particular date in the form of a string using UTC time zone.

valueOf() method:
Use: To get the primitive value of a Date object.