JSTL c:choose, c:when and c:otherwise Core Tags

The JSTL <c:choose> Core Tag is used when several alternatives are available for a particular condition. It works the same as of switch statement in Java. The <c:choose> is like a switch, <c:when> is like the case, and <c:otherwise> is like a default statement.



    <c:when test="${testCondition1}">
       //block of statements
    <c:when test="${testCondition2}">
        //block of statements
      //Other <c:when>
        //block of statements


c:when tag attributes:

Attribute Description Required
test It specifies the condition to evaluate. No


Note: c:choose and c:otherwise tags do not have any attribute.




<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c" %>
          c:choose, c:when and c:otherwise JSTL core tag example
        <c:set var="num" value="100"/>
            <c:when test="${num > 10}">
                Number is greater than 10.
                Number is less than or equal to 10.


